Adding, Reviewing, and Editing Employee Info

Adding, Reviewing, and Editing Employee Info


You can add accounts for as many employees as you would like in RetailTime. You can also review, edit, and delete information on each of your employees on the Employee List screen.



  • Can only be done by someone with an Administrator employee role.


Adding Employee Information

1. In the left navigation menu, go to Employees--->Employee List--->New Employee button

2. In the General tab, input the employee’s:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • A nickname that will go by in the RetailTime Community forum
  • Email (once the employee profile is added, an email will be sent to this email address for setting up your login password).
  • PIN number that they will log in to RetailTime POS with. By default the PIN will be hidden, however, administrators can view the employee's PIN by hovering over the eye icon to the right of the field. 
  • Confirm PIN number by retyping it in that field. 

3. Assign them an employee Role in the drop-down menu. The options are:

4. If the role selected was Salesperson, choose whether to allow the employee to automatically edit the price and discounts of items/orders in POS by checking the Allow price and discount editing on the POS box or to disallow it by leaving it blank. If it is disallowed, the employee will have to enter the PIN of a Sales Manager or Administrator in order to edit prices and discounts.

5. If any role other than Administrator was selected, select the Store(s) you want to assign them to in the drop-down menu. They will be unable to log in or view data for any store they are not assigned to. 

5. Make sure the Is Active box is checked off. It should be by default. Uncheck it to make the employee inactive.

6. Go to the Contact Info tab at the top of the screen and input the employee’s Phone number, Address, Country, City, State, and Zipcode.

7. Go to the Localization tab at the top of the screen and input the POS Language that the employee will use from the drop-down menu.

  • Back Office Language will always be the same as POS Language selected for employees.
  • Localization settings for employees can be updated only by an Administrator.

8. Select the Done button.

9. An email will be sent to the email address entered in the Email field. From this email, the recipient will be able to open a link, where they will be able to create the password that they will use to log in to Back Office. 


Reviewing, Editing, and Deleting Employee Info

1. Select Employees--->Employee List in the left navigation menu. 

2. On the Employee List screen, you can:

  • Search for a specific employee by first name, last name, email, or phone in the search field.
  • Sort any column in the Employee list by clicking on the column header.
  • Delete employees by first selecting the checkbox to the left of each employee row that you would like to delete and then select the red Delete button on the top right of the screen. 
  • Review or edit the details of a particular employee by selecting that employee's row. It will take you to the Edit Employee screen. 


  • Fields for the Edit Employee screen are the same as for when you added the employee, as identified in the Adding Employee Information section above.
  • After making any edits on the Edit Employee screen, click the Done button to save. 

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