You can process cash payments in RetailTime, whether online or offline.
- Processing payments may only be performed by Administrator, Manager and Salesperson roles.
1. After selecting one or more product(s) in the catalog, click on the green Cash button on the bottom right of the screen.
- If the Tips and Allow cash tips boxes were selected in the Tips tab in your Back Office Company or Store Settings, you will be able to select whether you would like the tips for this transaction to appear On Screen or On Receipt. If not, skip to step 2.

Note: The Tips screen will not appear if you have installed the EBT Card App.
- If the On Receipt option was selected, enter the tip amount after the order is processed on the Tips page of POS, accessed from the left navigation menu and then close the batch.
- If the On Screen option was selected, it will take you to the Tips screen, where you can enter the tip amount on the calculator, selecting to input it as either a percentage or currency amount.

2. You will be sent to the Cash Payment page. Input the cash received from the customer in the Amount tendered field, using the calculator that appears or your keyboard.
- The total Amount due appears on the top of the screen.
- On the calculator are shortcut options: Exact allows the exact amount due to appear in Amount tendered field (if customer paid exact price), while the $10 and $20 options will automatically input those amounts into the field.
- Order details appear on the left side of the screen.
3. Click the PROCESS button
4. On the Receipt screen, choose the Receipt language by selecting it from the drop-down.

5. Choose to either Email receipt or Print receipt by tapping the switch to the right of the option (if selected, will appear as blue).
- If the Print Receipt option was turned off for a transaction, it will be turned off by default for future transactions until it is turned on again for another transaction.
- You also have the option to Print kitchen receipt if enabled for one of the products in the order in the Products section of Back Office.
- If you selected Email receipt, you will have the option to create the customer in the system, saving his email address, name, and order information. To do this, select the Add new customer? switch so it turns green and then you will have the ability to enter his First Name and Last Name.
Note: this option will not be available if a customer was already selected for the order.
- If the amount tendered is larger than the amount due, the Change due will be displayed.
- If you purchased the Marketing & Loyalty app, you can perform a Loyalty Check-In for the customer by tapping the switch (will appear green when on). .
6. Click the DONE button to confirm.