Creating/Editing Departments and Categories for Products

Creating/Editing Departments and Categories for Products


  • The product catalog is organized hierarchically. Departments are at the top, followed by categories, and then products.
  • Each department can have multiple categories assigned to it but each category can only be assigned to one department.
  • A category can have multiple products assigned to it but each product can only be assigned to one category.



  • You must create a department before you can create a category.



Creating New Department

1. Click on Inventory-->Departments in the left navigation menu.

2. Select the blue New Department box on the top right of the screen.

3. Input the Department Name and optionally provide a Department Description in those respective fields.

  • You can input translations for Department Name and Department Description for all the languages selected as an Account language for your store(s) (set in Localization tab of Store Settings) by selecting a certain language tab and inputting the translations in the respective fields. 

4. Check off the Is Active box to make the department go live on POS.

5. Click on the Done button.


Reviewing Info on Departments

1. Click on Inventory-->Departments in the left navigation menu.

2. On the Departments screen, you can view the Department Name and the department Status (either Active or Inactive) under those respective columns. 

  • You can also search for a certain department in the Search for department field.


Editing a Department

1. Select the department on the Departments screen. 

2. You can change the Department Name and/or Department Description and check on or off the Is Active box.

3. Click the Done button.


Deleting a Department

  • Click the red X button next to the right of the listed department on the Departments screen.


  • Select the box next to the Department Name and then click the red Delete button. 


Creating New Category

1. Click on Inventory-->Categories in the left navigation menu.2. Select the blue New Category box on the top right of the screen.

3. Input the Category Name and optionally provide a Category Short Name and Category Description in those respective fields.

  • You can also choose a color to represent the category in your shopping cart in POS by selecting a color in the Category Display Color drop-down menu.

  • You can input translations for Department Name and Department Description for all the languages selected as an Account language for your store(s) (set in Localization tab of Store Settings) by selecting a certain language tab and inputting the translations in the respective fields. 

4. Select the department you would like to associate the category with in the Select Department drop-down menu. Note: You must create a department before you can create a category.

5. If the Kitchen Receipt checkbox was selected in the Receipt tab of Store Settings, a Print on kitchen receipt checkbox will be visible (if not, skip to Step 7). Select this if you would like to assign all of the category's products to a kitchen printer.

6. A Kitchen Printers drop-down will appear, from which you may select from one or more of the kitchen printer(s) you named that you would like all products in the category to print kitchen receipts to. 

  • These settings will override any kitchen receipt settings already selected for individual products within this category.
  • However, any updates made to kitchen receipt settings of specific products in this category afterwards will override the kitchen receipt category settings for those particular products. 

7. Check off the Is Active box to make the category go live on POS.

8. Click the Done button.


Reviewing Info on Categories

1. Click on Inventory-->Categories in the left navigation menu.

2. On the Categories screen, you can view the Category Name, the Department Name the category has been assigned under and the category Status (either Active or Inactive) under those respective columns. 

  • You can also search for a certain category in the Search for category field.


Editing a Category

1. Select the category on the Categories screen. 

2. You can change the Category Name and/or Category Description and check on or off the Is Active box.

3. Click the Done button.


Deleting a Category

  • Click the red X button next to the right of the listed category on the Category screen


  • Select the box next to the Category Name and then click the red Delete button. 

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