US and Canada customers can process debit card payments on RetailTime once their credit card terminal is set up (either Pax (for US only), Poynt, DejaVoo, or Moneris (Canada only)).
1. Need to have Credit/Debit POS Integration app installed (to get this app installed please contact support@retailtime.com).
To get the app installed, please contact support@retailtime.com
2. A gateway must be selected as Payment Gateway in Register Settings--->Payment Gateway tab in Back Office and must select ‘Enable Debit Card Payments' on the same screen.

3. Terminal must be set up on Terminal Setup page in POS.
4. Debit card payments are only available when online and when device is connected to the same network as the terminal.
5. Can only be performed by Administrator, Manager, and Salesperson employee roles.
- Can only be processed by swiping the card (for either mag-stripe cards or cards with chip) and not by inputting card manually. Exception: Canadian customers can either swipe or insert debit cards.
- Orders paid by debit card cannot be voided. Exception: Debit cards in Canada can be voided.
- Is not an option for Split Payments. Exception: When a surcharge is added for your store in the Merchant Fee tab of Store Settings, the Signature Debit Card option will be available.
- There is no option to input Tips & Signature on the receipt. Only on the screen or on the terminal.
- PIN Debit cards cannot be processed on Poynt terminals. Only signature debit cards, which act as a credit card payment.
After selecting one or more product(s) in the catalog, click on the green All Payments button on the bottom left of the screen.

2. Select Debit Card as the payment method.

- When a surcharge is added for your store in the Merchant Fee tab of Store Settings, Signature Debit Card appears as an additional payment option and Debit Card is renamed to PIN Debit Card. When a customer uses a signature debit card, select that option as opposed to Credit Card. This needs to be done because surcharges are not allowed to be added to Signature Debit Cards (only Credit Cards).

- If Canada was selected as your Country in Back Office Store Settings and Moneris or DejaVoo was selected as your store's payment gateway in the Store Settings Payment Gateway tab, a Card Payment button will replace the Credit and Debit Card options. Select that option for credit/debit card payments. The payment flow and signature options will depend on the card and business type and will be pre-determined by the terminal.

3. Under Tips, select whether you would like the customer to enter tips either On screen or On terminal.

- If tips On screen was selected, on the Tips screen, choose whether to input the tip amount as a % or $ amount via the blue toggle switch. Then, input the tip amount with the calculator (the keyboard shortcut buttons that appear depend on what was inputted in the Tips tab of Store Settings in Back Office). Select the Process button when done.

Note: The Tips screen will not appear if you have installed the EBT Card App or if the Tips & signature on POS shown: box is not checked on the Tips tab in Back Office Store Settings,
4. On the Debit Card Payment screen, either swipe the card or select the Enter card manually switch to enter the card info manually.
- If inputting manually, enter the card number and expiration date in their respective fields, using the calculator or your keyboard and then click the PROCESS button.
- If did not choose to enter card info manually, swipe the card on your terminal.
5. On the Receipt screen:
- On the right side, choose the Receipt language in the drop-down and select either to Email receipt or Print receipt by tapping the switch to the right of the option (if selected, will appear as blue).

- You also have the option to Print kitchen receipt if enabled for one of the products in the order in the Products section of Back Office.
- If the Print Receipt or Print Kitchen Receipt option was turned off for a transaction, it will be turned off by default for future transactions until it is turned on again for another transaction.
- If you selected Email receipt, you will have the option to create the customer in the system, saving his email address, name, and order information. To do this, select the Add new customer? switch so it turns green and then you will have the ability to enter his First Name and Last Name.
Note: this option will not be available if a customer was already selected for the order.
6. Click DONE to finalize the payment and print/email the receipt(s).
- If Canada was selected as your Country in Back Office Store Settings and DejaVoo was selected as your store's payment gateway in the Store Settings Payment Gateway tab, a Merchant copy and Customer copy of the receipt will print for every transaction.