Directional Printing for Kitchen Printers

Directional Printing for Kitchen Printers


Increase organization and speed of kitchen orders by specifying which products should be sent to receipts on each of your kitchen printers (eg: pizza printer, grill printer, bar printer).


A) Naming Kitchen Printers

1. From the left navigation menu in Back Office, select Settings--->Store Settings.

2. Select the store you would like to create kitchen printers for and then select that store's Receipt tab.

3. Select the Kitchen Receipt box (if it is not already checked).

4. Name a kitchen printer by entering the name in the "Input Name" field (under where it says Add names for kitchen printer(s)) and then selecting the + sign to the right of the field. (Ex: Pizza Printer, Grill Printer, Bar Printer)

  • You can name up to 5 kitchen printers. 
  • Each printer name must be unique.



B) Assign Every Product in a Category to Specific Kitchen Printer

1. In the Back Office left navigation menu, go to Inventory--->Categories

2. Select the category that you would like to assign all its products to a kitchen printer. 

3. Select the Print on kitchen receipt checkbox, to the right of the Department drop-down.

4. A Kitchen Printers drop-down will appear, from which you may select from one or more of the kitchen printer(s) you named that you would like all products in the category to print kitchen receipts to. 

  • These settings will override any kitchen receipt settings already selected for individual products within this category.
  • However, any updates made to kitchen receipt settings of specific products in this category afterwards will override the kitchen receipt category settings for those particular products. 


C) Assign Individual Products to Specific Kitchen Printer

1. In the Back Office left navigation menu, go to Inventory--->Products.

2. Select the product you would like to assign to a kitchen printer. 

3. In the product's General tab, select the Print on kitchen receipt box (if it is not already checked). 

4. A Kitchen Printers drop-down will appear, from which you may select from one or more of the kitchen printer(s) you named that you would like the item to be printed to. The option "Select All" will be selected by default. 

If you want to send this item to a kitchen printer that differs from the one assigned to the category, you should go to Categories and uncheck the box next to "Override for all products in category":

Then go back to product properties, and select a kitchen printer for this item from the dropdown:


  • If the Kitchen Receipt box was checked and no kitchen printer names were created in an active store's Store Settings Receipt tab, the Kitchen Printers drop-down will display "Add names in {Store name}" for each of those stores. After selecting it, you will be redirected to the corresponding store's Store Settings Receipt tab where you can name the printers. 
  • Each created printer name will be listed with the store it was assigned to for selection (each product can be assigned to the same kitchen printer in each store or to different kitchen printers in each).
  • If the Kitchen Receipt box is unchecked in all stores’ Receipt tabs, the only Kitchen Printers drop-down option will say, "No names to select".



D) Setting Up Kitchen Printers in POS

1. Log in to POS and perform a sync.

2. Go to Settings--->Printer Settings.

3. Under Kitchen Printers, select the box to the left of each listed printer that you would like to have items print to. 

4. For each selected box, a drop-down appears that says Select Printer Name, where each of the kitchen printers you named for the store you are currently logged in to will be listed. Choose the name you would like to assign to each selected printer in Printer Settings.

  • All items assigned to that kitchen printer name in Back Office will be printed on receipts sent to that particular printer. 

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