- Feature available starting with Release 0.25.0
If every guest at a table would like to pay for their own items, as opposed to splitting the whole order payment, you can utilize the split payment by guest feature.
- If items were assigned to the Whole Table, their costs will be split evenly among all table guests during checkout. (if guests would like to split an item's cost but prefer to not split it evenly, you should use the Split Item Cost feature).
1. After items have been assigned to each guest at a table in the POS, select All Payments → Split Payment.
2. Select the Split by Guest option.
3. Check boxes will appear next to each Guest. Select the ones you would like to process transactions for.
4. Select the payment type that you would like to use for the transaction and then process the transaction on the screen(s) that follow.
5. On the receipt screen, the Total Tendered will only include the cost for their assigned items (and the split cost of any items assigned to the whole table). Choose to either Email receipt or Print Receipt and then select Done.
- The receipt will print, with only the selected guest(s) items and total appearing. The amounts displayed will be broken down per each guest in the transaction.
- You will return to the Split Payments screen. The guests whose transactions were already processed will be faded out on the left of the screen. On the right side, it shows the Total Remaining to be processed from the remaining guests.
6. Select the Pay More Later button on the bottom right if you would like to process the remaining guests' payments at a later time. If you would like to process them now, repeat steps 3-5.
7a. If you chose to process the rest of the guests' payments now, once they are all processed, the Total Remaining and Total Due will both be 0. Select the Process button to complete the order.
- On the Receipt screen that follows, you will be able to view the total amount for the entire table order from all guests combined. Select to email/and or print the receipt to email/print the entire order's receipt, which will be broken down by guest, and then select Done.
7b. If you had selected Pay More Later, and you would now like to pay for the remaining guests, go to Orders in the left navigation menu, select the order, and then tap the Charge button.
8. Repeat steps 3 - 5, followed by step 7a.
- In the Order Details for this order, you will be able to see the item and cost breakdown per each guest at the table.
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