Viewing Customer List
1. Tap the customer popup on the top of the screen. (By default, it will say Walk-In.) 
2. The list of customers will appear and can be scrolled via the blue scroll on the right side.

Viewing/Editing Customer Details
1. Tap the customer popup on the top of the screen. (By default, it will say Walk-In.)

2. In the search field, search for the existing customer (who was already entered into the system) that you would like to view details for.
- They can be searched by first name, last name, phone number, mobile number, or company name.
3. Select the arrow to the right of the customer's name.

4. You will be sent to the Customer Details screen, where you can view the customer's contact information and order history.
- To view more details of a specific order made by the customer, select the order.
- You will be sent to the Order Details screen. Here, you can view the order details, print or email the receipt, update or reopen and void or refund the order, depending on the order's current status.

- Select the Back button on the top left to return to the Customer Details screen.
- To edit a customer's information, select Edit on the top left of the Customer Details screen.

- After making any changes to the customer's info, select DONE to save the changes.

- Select the Back button on the top left to return to the Customer Details screen.